Monday, January 28, 2013

Delaying retirement hurts productivity?

Dan Oysey at the Financial Post put together a piece on boomers changing roles in the workplace, with some interesting stats:

- 41% of Boomers will stay in the workforce because they want to, not because they have to

- More than one-third of pre-retirees will continue working because they have to

- 75% of Boomers intend to continue working well past retirement age

The article makes the blunt assertion that boomers that continue to work because they have to are a drain on productivity since they are holding on to positions that would be better served by fresh new talent with new ideas.

We respectfully disagree. What do you think?

Read the full article here.

1 comment:

  1. It is sad that so many people have to delay their retirement because the market is just not holding up to make annuities substantial enough to live on. I know some people that just have to go back to work after they retire from a position they have been working for decades. I really hope things turn around by the time I can retire.
